How To Join Categories --- SIMPLY

1- First, PAY for your Category or Categories.

NOTE: Many Categories only cost $100.00 per year. IF that is the cost of your Category of choice, you can click on our Paypal link here and pay that:

Purchase with our Paypal here!

If you're not sure of the cost, then please click back into the INDEX List , click into your Category and pay there.

As you do so, please take a Snapshot picture of your Paypal Payment - in other words make a Receipt, which you'll send to your P.A.M. (Personal Account Manager) so that she can more quickly build your page(s). Without a receipt she is restricted from working.

2- Secondly, please pay $5.00 to your Personal Account Manager for each page you want her, or him, to mostly build for you. Understand that this is a 2nd Paypal Payment by you. You still must purchase the Category itself. This 2nd Paypal Payment bypasses you doing much of your own work; with this you are hiring your P.A.M. to do not all but most of the work that you would do - for you.

Please also make a Receipt of this Paypal transaction as well. [Note: You'll still have to send pictures and videos, etc., as well as provide details and info, etc. But your P.A.M. will do most of the writing and assembling, etc., for you.]

Click Here to HIRE your P.A.M. ... At least $5.00 Per Page You Want Built - But more is appreciated by her (or him)!

3- Thirdly, email your Paypal Receipts plus your Name and what Category or Categories you are entering, to:

4- A P.A.M. (Personal Account Manager) will contact you.

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