How To Join Categories ---

1- First, PAY for your Category or Categories. As you do so, please take a Snapshot picture of your Paypal Payment - in other words make a Receipt, which you'll send to your P.A.M. (Personal Account Manager) so that she can more quickly build your page(s). Without a receipt she is restricted from working.

2- Secondly, understand that we are very against website databases. Why? Because they are NOT SECURE! Type into Google just about any Social Network name, such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Linked-in, whatever, and ask if it has ever been hacked into? I.E.- "Has LinkedIn ever been hacked into?" "Has Facebook ever been hacked into?" For many Social Networks the answer will be "Yes!"

Type in the same for many banks, and the answer might also be "Yes!"

As well as other companies, such as AT&T, and stores, such as Macys:

Now understand that all of these companies have the BEST database people in the world working for them. Yet, they were still hacked! We at do not have so-called great database people working for us. So if the big players cannot keep hackers out, what chance do we have? Furthermore, databases are a real pain-in-the-butt to set up and to maintain!!!

Although it is not convenient for YOU, our customers, whether you are signing up to be a Member-Partner, or a Business Advertiser, we don't utilize onsite databases for anything that involves important passwords or contact information, and especially not for financial information. This of course means that you yourself cannot upload photos and text, etc. It means you need to be patient and allow us to build your pages for you.

So what is the 2nd Step for you to become a Member-Partner, or a Business who wants to advertise on

Although we are against "WEBSITE" databases that sometimes have millions of users accounts and their passwords stored in colossal databases, we are NOT against 1-on-1 databases that store ONLY 1 CUSTOMER'S ACCOUNT AT A TIME! We require you to sign up for a


and "SHARE" this email with us. Yes, that's right. The FREE PROTON.ME EMAIL that you sign up for will belong to not only you but to Only three of us will have access to this highly secure, end-to-end encrypted email: you; the owner of; and the Personal Account Manager (P.A.M.) who is assigned to you. We stress that you do not allow anyone else into this Account; and we won't either.

A--- After you sign up for this FREE EMAIL, make a folder called, "Paypal Receipts". Place the Paypal Receipt spoken of in Step 1 into this folder. And whenever you purchase something from, such as if you purchase another Category, please always make a Paypal Receipt and place the picture in this folder, "Paypal Receipts." Be sure the date on each receipt is obvious..

B--- Also, make a folder called, "Account Info". On a Word page, or even a NotePad page, write down the following items (or copy & paste) and answer:







Other Email:

(NOT this "SHARED" email but something like Yahoo or Gmail or somewhere else in case we ever need to contact you another way)

"SHARED" Email:

"SHARED" Password:


Phone Number (Optional):

Start Date (of When I Joined :

My Current Categories:

C--- Also make a folder called, "Images For ???" --- renaming the "???" to whatever CATEGORY YOU HAVE JOINED. For example, if you joined "Babies & Toddlers" you would make a folder called: "Images For Babies & Toddlers" or maybe shorten it to "Babies & Toddlers" or even just "Babies".

If you join "Animals & Pets" - that would be another folder.

If you joined "Mobile Mechanic," - that would be a third folder.

ETC. Place up to 10 photos (.pngs or .gifs) in your Category folders. Such as 10 pictures of your baby in your "Babies" Folder; or 10 photos of your dog in your "Animals & Pets" Folder. Or 10 photos of your work as a "Mobile Mechanic," ETC.

Each Category allows up to 10 photos as well as 1 video. Videos are harder to include and require you to sign up for another FREE Service at:

This FREE Proton Drive you also "SHARE" with us. So in your Proton Email, make another folder and call it: "Proton Drive Info", and on another Word or Notepad page, write down your Proton Drive web address and password.

Below this, write down the name of the MP4 videos you want inside each Category. Give these Instructions for your P.A.M. to easily follow. Such as:

MobileMechanic.mp4 goes on my Mobile Mechanic Page (Category).

NOTE: You are allowed 1 FREE Video Per Category. IF you want more than one video, each video costs $20.00 each IF YOU UTILIZE THE PROTON DRIVE.

But Proton Drive will NOT "PREVIEW" videos that are 100mb or bigger. So in order to use the Proton Drive "PREVIEW" your video must be 99mb or smaller. (The Proton Drive "PREVIEW" allows a Link, which can be clicked on and then the video will load & play. We need this Link!)

Without this Proton Drive Link available, it states you must download the video. Downloading a video in order to watch it is really time-consuming and inconvenient! We do not want web-surfers to experience this trouble, and you shouldn't either. Consequently, if your video is 100mb or bigger, we require you, our Member-Partner, to send us a hard copy of your video so that we can load it directly to your page. This is problematic for both you and for us. In the first place you must utilize a huge file-sharing program like:



We Transfer



And secondly, your P.A.M. has to spend time downloading your video to her own computer and then uploading the video to our server.

Which brings up the issue of enlarging our server AND OUR MONTHLY COSTS FOR THE SERVER!

So it's best to keep your Videos smaller than 100mb. BUT, if you can't or don't want to, then hard-copies are twice the price: instead of $20.00 they are $40.00 each. (Remember however when you are factoring in this charge that you have your Paypal button below the video and you anticipate making lots of money from Donations! So it may be worth having long resource-heavy videos on your page at $40.00 each. You decide?

In the Category, "Song Covers", however, you of course are dealing with many videos. Some people may have a hundred "Song Cover" MP4s they want listed. But we're not going to charge you $20.00 for each of these. For poor people that would be just too expensive. Rather, what we want you to do is pay $20.00 per video if you can afford it (be honest) but if you can't, then make an offer to your P.A.M. (Personal Account Manager) and see if she goes for it. You see, she has a vested interest in your success here. With "Song Covers" instead of just two Paypal Payments listed (as in other Categories), in the "Song Covers" Category at the bottom of your song list, there will be three Paypal Donation Links:

If You've Liked Any Of My Songs:
Please DONATE to:

Please "SHARE" with

as well!

Donate to ShareADs. us - Help .US in helping people to earn money ...

And if you'll be so kind, please also
consider donating a dollar to My P.A.M.

Donate to My P.A.M. as well ...

Yes! Your P.A.M. also has the opportunity to earn some donations off of your music! So she has motivation to really make your page work!

From your home computer, upload each of your .mp4s to your Proton Drive. It's fairly easy to do, but if you need help, ask your P.A.M. Then click on the box in front of the name of your MP4 file, then click on the Proton-Drive "SHARE" Icon - and this will bring up a box similar to this:

Click on the "Create Public Link" and when the link is made, copy and paste that link on a Word or a Notepad page, such as:

Irene Lambert covering the CCR Song, Have You Ever Seen The Rain:

[Please load the above link and watch it now (if you did not click on the song & picture link above) so that you have an idea of how this can work on your own pages!]

Once you have your MP4 Links copied to that Word or Notepad page, then please upload that page into appropriate folders IN OUR "SHARED" EMAIL that describe into which Category or Categories where the MP4's go. For example, a Notepad page with:

"Babies.mp4" could go into a folder called, "Babies-MP4s"

Your "My-Dog-Zara.mp4" could go into a folder called, "Animals-&-Pets-MP4s"

Your "Mobile-Mechanic.mp4" could go into a folder called, "Moble-Mechanic-MP4s"

It's best NOT to combine different Categories into one folder but make separate folders for each Category. This is so that your P.A.M., who builds your page or pages for you, doesn't become confused as to what goes where.

This is especially important on a "Song Covers" folder, which might have dozens of MP4 Links in it. Concerning that, if you have a special order you want the songs to show therein, be sure to place them from top to bottom, placing each on its own line.

Also, it's not mandatory, but it is nicer for people 'surfing' your entries, if you make special fonts and/or images for each entry. Or if you wish, you can hire your P.A.M. (the Personal Assistant Manager that will be assigned to you, to do such things for you. Note: You may hire your P.A.M. in whatever ways you want or need, as long as she agrees to your wage & terms. Working for us as well as for clients is part of her benefits package from .US, and if you pay her $10.00 or $200.00 or whatever to do some artwork and snaz up your page for you: THIS IS HER MONEY TO KEEP. Nor does she have to report it to .US. It is between you and her.

Getting back to your Paypal buttons, you can try to use a or a Venmo Button, but the better way is to make a Paypal Business Account so that you can make a more professional Paypal Button setup. How to make a Paypal Business Account goes somewhat like this:

1- Go to HELP (In your Paypal Account)
2- type in "Paypal Business"

1- Go to Settings.
2- Click Upgrade to a Business account.
3- Enter all of the information and follow the steps on the screen.

Place your Paypal Button Code also on a Word or a Notepad page and enter it also into a folder in your "SHARED" Email with us, called, "My Paypal Code".

After you have made everything (all your folders and files are in your Proton EMAIL), please contact us at:

All you need to send to us in your first email is your name and your PROTON EMAIL ADDRESS AND PASSWORD


A copy of your Paypal Receipt or Receipts for EACH CATEGORY you are joining.

Please don't write to us until you've got everything in order according to the instructions on this page (or at least you think you do). Also note, that is for NEW Members. oNCE you've written here, we will assign you a P.A.M. and she will contact you within a few hours hopefully, or if she is super busy, within a few days. We realize this isn't as quick and as efficient as a website database is, and hope you can be patient with this better but slower process. We use HUMANS and provide jobs for people, rather than machines:

therefore it may take a while (because machines are usually faster than people.) But your monthly or yearly TimeStamp does not begin until your Pages are completely up and running (finished) and open for business.

Thank you!

{Nonetheless, if you have problems understanding this page and what you are required to do, send a copy of your Paypal Receipt or Receipts and we'll assign a P.A.M. to you asap who can help you assemble the things that you need.}.

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For Businesses!