If you have not already done so, choose a Member-Partner Username. You can use almost any real name or made-up name you wish to use, but because we do not use a database (to keep track of usernames more efficiently) sometimes two people may have the same username. So try to create a username that has a one-in-a-million chance of being duplicated by someone else. In the event it does happen, it probably won't create a problem because your pages will have your own pictures on them and your own Paypal, etc., AND most of all, correspondence with you will be done through your own 1-of-a-kind Proton Email.

Go to https://CoolText.com

Choose the DeeJay Text Style:    

Choose a font face that looks good and make your Username text size = 80

Open your Username pic in Paint.net

Open the Paint-dot-Net-tool

Use the Paint-dot-Net-select-area-tool

Select the background of your Username pic and click on the delete key.

(This gives you a transparent background).

Save it and choose a background for your Video Page.

The background picture shouldn't be any wider than 880px;

The height should only be 600px or thereabouts.

Again, make sure of these measurements in Paint.net. Save, and prepare your Fashion Pic.

You may submit 1 Fashion Pic Free of Charge per month, however, please remember that the reason you include your Paypal buttons (explained below) or other Payment Provider's buttons, is because your goal is to earn money. Rather than having a Like Button or a Thumb's-Up (as so many websites do) (which realistically do very little for you - they're sort of like having a beautiful woman blow you a kiss rather than receiving the real kiss!) - people on ShareADs.us PROVE they like your material by donating actual money to you!

Let's Put It Into Some "HOPE" Perspective -

Paypal buttons are sort of like a street performer with a hat on the ground for people to donate into. With this said - 1 Pic by itself is not much of a 'street performance' for them to want to donate into your so-called 'hat.' But this is a FREE Category and we only allow one Fashion Pic per month. Which means:

Your job in this Category is to choose an already made pic, OR, to MAKE A PIC yourself, that is either unique (one-of-a-kind) or nearly so! Your Fashion Pic should be captivating! A work of art! And if you can capture a special look, perhaps a few people in the spirit of this Category, will be willing to reward you with some actual cash. At ShareADs.us our Number 1 Goal is to put money into the hands of our Member-Partners. Especially poor Member- Partners who really need some extra cash. Some of our Categories are Pay Categories (because we need to make money ourselves) but some of our Categories, such as this one, are totally FREE (we make no money from this). Because of this, we post your own Paypal button on this page - so that you are the one who receives 100% of any donations that come your way. We ask everyone who looks through these Fashion Pics, to do so with a humanitarian perspective. Many of the people posting in this Category are filled with hope that their research and ingenuity will capture an emotion or two in some of their viewers, prompting them to donate a few dollars their way. You're not forced to comply (donate) of course, but we ask you once a month to choose one of the pics you look upon, and in the spirit of what ShareaDs.us is about (to put money into the pockets of our Member-Partners) to please donate a couple of dollars to a person who captured something special for you.

Here is a Paypal (you'll need to make your own - this is only a sample) in which you can make it so that customers of your's can set their own Donation amount (the amount they wish to donate to you - such as $2.00 or $5.00, or whatever) Your PAM or VCAM will help you to customize this for yourself.

As an entrant to this Category, please make a secure email (if you don't already have one) at https://Proton.me

Understand that for several reasons, we do not allow people themselves to upload to our website. All initial (first) uploads for this Category are done through our email at:


All subsequent uploads are done through your PAM's email (explained below).

The email you create for this site is for use only on ShareADs.us You don't use it for corresponding with friends or anything else. Furthermore you "share" it with us. We'll need your:

email address --- such as myemail@proton.me (this is an example only)

username --- such as susan-5674 (this is an example only)

password --- such as xu7$4kLFmnet

(NOTE: Please do not use "o, O, 0" in your password because these can be confusing. ALso, please do not use "l or i" - for the same reason.)

Also, in case we get tens of thousands of emails arriving all at the same time, which obviously would be hard to keep up with!, the first two letters in your email SUBJECT LINE should be your initials. Your first name initial and your last name initial. For example, if your real name is Alice Johnson, the first 2 letters should be:


The purpose of this is that we will hire employees to handle accounts. For this category we will call such employees, 'Picture Account Managers'. So when we are busy with hundreds or thousands of emails, one PAM (Picture Account Manager) might handle all 'A' accounts; another PAM all 'B' accounts, etc.

Your first email's Subject Line should be something like this:

AJ - 1st Email - Fashion Portfolio

Describing stuff in the subject line allows us to pass your 1st Email on to the PAM who will handle your account. No need for us to even open it. Your assigned PAM will open it, judge it's contents, and be in charge of building your page or pages.

Your 1st email must contain your "shared" email info (see above).

Always be sure to TITLE your picture(s) with your name and date.

Example (above your picture)

Celeb Pic
Irene Lambert - 10/25/2022
or even ON the picture itself when there is room):

Also, the actual picture address name should describe your name as well:


[Note: Whenever there is writing on the picture, you must save the picture as a .png (PNG file). If there is no writing, then save it as a .jpg (JPG) Either way, use small letters .jpg NOT .JPG and .png NOT .PNG

Also in this 1st email, please include your Username image (see top of this page); the background image you'd like us to use; and create a Click For My Paypal picture (880px width). (See this page for an example: https://shareads.us/I/create-your-own-celeb-pics.php

We also need a small face picture of you to use for searches.

Your small pic for searches should be 100px by 100px

Your PAM, as mentioned, is the person responsible for determining what's a Go and what must be changed or forsaken. He/She is also the person responsible for building the source code for your page or pages.      

Your PAM may or may not actually upload your page and images, but will determine what can and cannot be used. Please direct all questions, whatever you have, to him or her AT or TO the email address you receive FROM YOUR PICTURE Account Manager (PAM). But before you receive his or her email, send your 1st email to, mp@shareads.us. Then, after sending that 1st email, please do not write to that email address again, because that slows down our processes - we expect only new Member-Partners to write to that. Once you become a Member-Partner, please direct all future emails from you to your PAM ONLY.

AD-1 Create Page URL AD-2 Create Page URL AD-3 Create Page URL