? ? ? Not Added Yet



We're probably a unique website in that we don't use a database. We believe databases aren't as good as they're made out to be for several reasons: one of the biggest reasons of which is that even top companies such as Facebook, Yahoo, Capital One have been hacked into, and continue to get hacked into! If major companies cannot keep hackers out - what hope do smaller companies have? Furthermore, working with databases takes a lot of time to develop them correctly and maintain them, plus databases are known to slow down websites!

Regardless if we are right or wrong, it's the way ShareADs.us chooses to do it. We know it's going to be slower and not as convenient for our Member-Partners as well as for our Advertisers, so if you wish to go elsewhere - sorry to lose you. We do it a different way. Yes, it sounds very backwards, like 30 or 40 years in the past, but so be it. We require each Member-Partner as well as each Advertiser to slow down, de-tech, and type your info not into a website FORM but onto a Notepad .txt page. After making your own FREE email at https://proton.me/ make a folder and call it 'Personal_INFO'. Save your Notepad .txt page with all your important info inside that folder. Do not send it to us. When we need it we'll access your email and that folder for it. But you can rest assured that it probably won't be hacked into as many big companies had their client info hacked into. You're info is end-to-end encrypted inside our 'shared' email, and https://proton.me/ claims that even THEY cannot get inside these private emails. If that's true, then it's probably also true that no hacker can get into your info either.

We believe this is much more secure than whatever we could do on our servers with databases. Your important information is not on our website. IF our website is ever hacked, at least the hackers won't get much. As far as getting into your email - not only is that very unlikely but if they were to, it would be one out of millions: they cannot breach millions of accounts by breaching one - as has happened on a lot of major websites. Furthermore, each Member-Partner's https://proton.me/ email triples as your backup files and also legitimizes your interest in participation with us. If we see you sending a Yahoo or a Gmail or some other email to us - we'll immediately know that you're not that serious about cooperating with us.

In other words, we only want to receive https://proton.me/ encrypted emails. Is that clear? Furthermore we need you to SHARE your https://proton.me/ email account with us.

How To Join ShareADs.us
For Both Member-Partners & Advertisers:

Step 1: Make a FREE email at https://proton.me/

Step 2: Open Notepad and after writing
your name, SHARE your https://proton.me/
email with us. Something like this:

Timothy Black


OR if you are an Advertiser, this first email might look something like this:

Jim Townsend (Manager)
ABC Restaurants

When you send your initial email to us, ONLY upload a .jpg | .png; or a .gif, or even an .mp3 audio, IF YOU DO NOT PLAN ON USING AN .MP4 VIDEO. The reason for this is because like most emails, Proton.me has not yet updated beyond 25 mb. Although most pictures should fit into your Proton.me email, most videos almost always will not. So if you plan on submitting a video, please inform us and we'll send a Dropbox Video Request for you to submit your video with.

But if you're just using pictures, and an .mp3 audio even, then send them via email. (Note: All .mp3 Audio Files MUST be matched with either a .jpg or a .png - or a .gif.)

Lastly. Please use your new https://proton.me email between you and .us only. Do not write to anyone but .us using this account. We'll actually give two emails here, the "mp" stands for "member-partner". The other is if you are an advertiser.



Step 3:

After we receive your video(s) | or | audios and .gif(s) and .jpg(s) | or | .png(s), we build your page, or pages. Since we hand-enter data, it's best that you somewhat decide how many pages & how many Advertising Categories you wish to be included in (wish to have built) and send them all at the same time. The primary reason for this is because it may be a while before we get back to your items: therefore let us build them all at once. If you are not sure how many items you wish to initially enter, please be sure to study

7 AD Contracts

With a Member-Partner's FREE video; or |FREE audio + FREE .gif; or FREE audio + FREE .jpg | or | .png; or simply FREE .gif; or FREE .jpg | or | .png; you may suggest a Category but generally staff places FREE entries where we feel they fit best or are needed most.

Category 1's FREE Music & Singing Videos however are almost always first placed inside our "Music & Singing" Category. Category 1, our 'Music & Singing Category' is a place where New Advertisers as well as Monthly Advertisers can quickly and easily find a music or singing video that can be copied and placed into any of the other categories that the Advertiser chooses to advertise in. Please note however, when selecting from The 'Music & Singing Category', it is NOT a unique, exclusive-rights Match-Up. Music & Singing Videos selected from our 'Music & Singing Category' remain in the 'Music & Singing Category': they are 'copied' not 'cut.' When placed herein, singers and musicians are allowed to earn from multiple uses of their songs, etc. Nonetheless, if an Advertiser wishes for a unique, exclusive-rights Music Match-Up, the following describes how to do this:

Member-Partners who purchase (cost is $10.00 each - not per month BUT FOR A WHOLE YEAR!) additional Music or Singing Videos have their choice of entering their Music or Singing Video into this 'Music & Singing Category' (making their single video or multiple music videos available for multiple advertisers to use, and thus multiplying the Member-Partner's chances of earning 50% commissions from not one but from many advertisers); OR, of placing their Music or Singing Video into one specific Category in which one specific Advertiser pays for exclusive rights to their music or song. The advantage of placing your Music or Singing Video into one specific Category is that some advertisers may be looking for uniqueness (they don't want something that surfers can find in dozens of other locations), which is logical. One of the reasons for Advertising Match-Ups in the first place (an Advertiser Matching-Up-With a Member-Partner) is to influence surfers to click into the Member-Partner's video either because it is interesting (can draw people to it on its own) or is a combination of interest-and-comradery. What is a 'combination of interest-and-comradery'? It is a factor of appreciation that not all Member-Partners will share, but that ALL MEMBER-PARTNERS ARE EXPECTED TO SHARE, or rather we HOPE THEY WILL SHARE IT. What is meant by this is that in life everything has rules (sometimes called laws) that some people obey and others do not. Closely linked to this concept is the word 'integrity'. 'Integrity' means what you do when no one is watching. When no one is watching, that means you could get away with doing something you're not supposed to do. After all, who's going to know? (No one but angels silently note-taking are watching.) A person without much 'integrity' will probably do a lot of things when he can so-called "get away with it." But just because you can do something - does not mean you should. The essence of 'integrity' is: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Which is also the essence of 'comradery': helping others in the same way you would have them help you. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world was full of people all willing to help one another? That's not possible for our world, the way it is - because there are just as many selfish people as there are charitable people; BUT we believe it is closer to being possible for ShareADs.us And why so? Because we're asking you to be that way. Because we require it of you, our Member-Partners, and you, our Advertisers. If you don't ask there's little chance of obtaining something usually. But we're asking. We seek this 'comradery' for our website, and for you, our Member-Partners, and for you, our Advertisers. Whether we get it or not depends on the 'integrity' of you, and you and you and you. What will you do when we require you to give back in the way that we require you to give back - BUT, no one is watching ...

ShareADs.us is different in many ways from other websites. One of these differences is that we ask our Member-Partners to be appreciative of the 50% Gross Advertising "SHARING" that we do with you, and for you. Are we throwing it in your face, extorting you in expecting you to appreciate us? As in all things you'll find some who say yes and condemn us for it, and others who say, "Sure! But realistically I should appreciate what ShareADs.us does for me! (Or tries to do for me!) No other website on earth is willing to help me this way. No other website in the world is willing to help the masses with their finances. Imagine if Facebook or Google or Yahoo or any of those mega-billion-dollar websites 'SHARED' 50% of their advertising revenues! Imagine if all of these mega-billion-dollar websites all did it at the same time!!! There might very well no longer be poverty in the world, poor people. But at the very least: the poor might very well be --- NOT as poor."

We are willing to "SHARE" 50% of our Ad Revenues with our Member-Partners, and we don't believe it is too much to ask you to be a bit of your brother's keeper as well? Again, some people will say "Yes it is too much", and others will say, "No. It's not too much to ask me to help them as well. But how can I do this?" This is where a 'combination of interest-and-comradery' comes in. We have what we call our "Grateful Member Pledge":

Our "Grateful Member Rule or Pledge" is not legally enforceable; nor is it something we reprimand Members who do not follow it; or even something we monitor who's doing it and who is not. It is simply a high COMMITMENT we "HOPE" our Member-Partners will follow because they appreciate us: you do it as a token of gratitude because you love what we're doing for you! ShareADs.us "LIKES TO SHARE" 50% of our Advertising Fees with our Member-Partners - it makes us feel good. Like we're giving back to the world. We're doing what we should be doing. (We're egalitarians here; not capitalists, so naturally we're going to feel this way that it's not about how much money "WE" make.) But, few things in life, even when they appear altruistic and pure, are totally FREE & altruistic. So what do we expect from our Member-Partners in return? First, we call our Members not just "Members" but "Member-Partners" - and as such, we expect our "Member-Partners" to "partner"-up with ShareADs.us. One of our main Mission Statements is to put money into the purses and billfolds of our Member-Partners, and it won't hurt you one bit to try to assist our effort: you, too, should try to put money into other Member-Partners pockets - and they should try to put money into YOUR pocket. We ask you to be a Member of Team ShareADs.us. Be a true Member-Partner! Take on that Team ShareADs.us spirit and help other Member-Partners to succeed. Help them to EARN MONEY as they should help you to EARN MONEY. So how do you do this? In order for that to happen it means you must, AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, support Advertisers! This doesn't mean we're forcing you to buy something you don't want to buy; but it does mean that you should be willing to look - to see if there is anything you want or need or might want to buy. That's not asking too much from you. Simply LOOK! WHEN you watch a Member-Partner's video, COMMIT to clicking into that Member-Partner's ShareADs.us Advertising Match. Click into their website and look around! That's not too much to ask! SIMPLY LOOK AROUND. You don't have to purchase if you do not want to, but look around to see if there is something that you MIGHT want to purchase. Is that asking too much 'integrity' from you? If you think it is, then don't click and look around. We're not forcing you. We're asking you ...

And this is why some advertisers want a unique, exclusive-rights video to be Matched-Up-With. If the same video is found in a hundred locations, a surfer probably will not feel that 'combination of interest-and-comradery'. Which means there is a good chance they will continue to flip through pages and pass them by. Pages consist of Member-Partner's Video first, then Advertiser BENEATH the Member-Partner's Video. Most surfers are not surfing to SEE the advertisements. They click through pages looking for interesting OR a 'combination of interest-and-comradery' videos. If they see something they've already seen on someone else's page - they'll probably move on. So it can be important for an Advertiser to have a unique, exclusive-rights music or singing video on their page. And if this is something they value, they should be willing to make it worth the Member-Partner's sacrifice to make his or her music or singing video unique and exclusive on our website. The cost is 5 times what it would normally be. --- Most Music Videos chosen FROM the 'Music & Singing Category' cost an Advertiser $40.00 per month, with the Member-Partner earning $20.00 per month from it. An Exclusive Rights Music Or Singing Video costs the Advertiser $200.00 per month, with the Member-Partner earning $100.00 per month from it.

Note here that this special arrangement for Music & Singing Videos does NOT apply to any other type of video. For example, when a Member-Partner places an animal video in our 'Animal & Pets Category' - the dog video, whatever, is automatically unique and exclusive-rights is given to the Advertiser who Matches-Up with that particular dog video (whatever). Uniqueness & Exclusive Rights come with all Video Categories, costing a minimum $40.00 per 5 Minutes Increments, with the exception of when a Category has a Music Or Singing Video attached to it instead (instead of the dog video for example in our example). Same holds true when Member-Partner Videos are placed into any of the other 20 Categories: as long as each category's video is interrelated to the category topic (dog in animal, baby in baby, insurance in insurance, etc.) the video price is a minimum $40.00 per 5 Minutes Increments, BUT, when a category sponsors a unique, exclusive-rights Music Or Singing Video (that is not part of our "Music & Singing" Category) instead of an interrelated, on-topic video, the Advertiser pays a minimum of $200.00 per month. Hope this is clear ...

If you intend on sending additional items at the same time in your first package to us, (or in later packages) also make Category Suggestions for each video, (or Audio or .gif or .png). Do some homework to help us out (after all, you're a "Partner" with .US). Write things out on a Notepad .txt page, along with Estimated Member-Partner Cost (which may be corrected by Staff if the Estimated M.P. Cost is wrong), as well as Estimated Advertiser Cost; as well as your Estimated 50% 'Share' For Me. Example:

[Note: "MP" = "Member-Partner"] [AD = ADvertiser's Cost]

lovingfood.mp4 --- grocery or restaurants
(less than 5 minutes) =
Estimated MP Cost: $10.00
Estimated AD Cost: $40.00
Estimated 50% 'Share' For Me: $20.00

thisislife.mp4 --- education
(less than 10 minutes) =
Estimated MP Cost: $20.00
Estimated AD Cost: $80.00
Estimated 50% 'Share' For Me: $40.00

Teresa.mp4 --- personals & dating
(less than 5 minutes) =
Estimated MP Cost: $10.00
Estimated AD Cost: $40.00
Estimated 50% 'Share' For Me: $20.00

Help_Beatles_cover.mp4 --- anywhere (less than 5 minutes) =
Estimated M.P. Cost: 10.00
Estimated AD Cost: $200.00 per month
Estimated 50% 'Share' For Me: $100.00 per month

[NOTE: The above 'Help_Beatles_cover.mp4' is it unique or not? The song of course is NOT. But the 'COVER' of it can be unique. Therefore if used independently by a business - the $200.00 Unique Fee applies.]

Although a Member-Partner's first FREE entries (there are 3 FREE entries given to each NEW Member-Partner) are all placed consecutively inside of 1 Category of OUR choosing, when you, as a Member-Partner, purchase additional entries - YOU choose WHERE we place them. For example, if you were to purchase 21 additional .mp4s, (for Member-Partners this is a 1-time yearly cost of $10.00 each --- $10.00 x 21 = $200.00 (we charge you only for 20 .mp4s --- your 21st video is a FREE bonus!) - all with the potential of earning money for you IF & WHEN they are Matched-Up) and if these were all Music & Singing Videos, you could make a Category Request that a different Music Video be placed in each of our 21 Categories. [Note: Although with Category Requests we will try our best to oblige where the Member-Partner wants their .mp4 video, .mp3 audio, .gif, .jpg, or .png to be placed, still, if we have an isolated Advertiser that needs a ShareADS Match Partner, under rare situations, placements are still up to Staff.] [Also Note that the 1-time yearly fee - FOR ANYTHING EITHER A MEMBER-PARTNER OR AN ADVERTISER PURCHASES - is NOT automatically renewed when the year (OR term) ends. All purchases at ShareADS.us are up to the user to renew. We might send a Suggestion Reminder that your item is about to expire, but we will never force you to subscribe, or to renew.]

Here are our 21 Categories. Music & Singing Videos, again, are almost always placed first inside Category 1: our "Music & Singing" Category, which makes it easier for New Advertisers to find a music video to Match-Up-With. (New Advertisers have 3 days to Match-Up-With A Member-Partner's Entry. After 3 days, we choose a Member-Partner's Entry for them.)

Category 1- Music & Singing

Category 2- Babies & Toddlers

Category 3- Animals & Pets

Category 4- Entertainment & Hobbies

Category 5- Sports

Category 6- Personals, Marriage, & Dating

Category 7- Selfies & Memes

Category 8- Grocery Stores & Food

Category 9- Restaurants

Category 10- Department Stores

Category 11- Health & Medical

Category 12- Transportation

Category 13- Real Estate & Rentals

Category 14- Home

Category 15- Yard Sales & Items For Sale

Category 16- Small Businesses & Home Businesses

Category 17- Jobs & Help Wanted

Category 18- Banks, Insurance & Anything Financial

Category 19- Education
(does not need to be scholastic)

Category 20- Philosophy, Spirituality & Religion

Category 21- Miscellaneous & Other

Also, if you eventually plan on doing more than your three FREE files, we suggest you take out the word, "eventually", --- and send them now! Send them now along WITH YOUR 3 FREE FILES rather than waiting. There are two major reasons for this: 1- We are a new website without much money to work with (ShareADs.us was started on the shoestring known as 'My Tax Return', and we desperately need money to hire employees! Additional submissions by you, and you and you and you, is how we earn money (besides from Advertising Fees). To reiterate, we don't use forms and databases (all things are hand-entered), which means we NEED EMPLOYEES TO BUILD THESE LOW-TECH PAGES! Hopefully some of you, our Member-Partners, will understand, be sympathetic, and cooperate in purchasing additional entries at the same time you send in your first 3 FREE entries.; (WE COULD SURE USE THE MONEY!!!) - as said, this was started with "My Tax Return"; and 2- There's a saying it's just as easy to cook for two as it is for one. In this case, it's easier for us to add several of your items as it is for us to add just one. It's better for us and for you to get them done all at once - rather than some here and some there, which takes more time for us and for you. Nonetheless, only send extras if you can afford it and you think this is all fun and full of hope. We emphasize that it's not a sure thing that your items will be matched up with an Advertising Match Partner and thus make money. So there is a little risk involved in purchasing additional .mp4s, audios, .gifs, .jpgs and .pngs -

so don't pay attention to our desperation unless you really want to be supportive, can afford it, think it's fun, and accept the challenge and hope of succeeding, or failing. Fair enough?

Successive Member-Partner Videos $10.00 Each.
Successive Member-Partner Audios $7.00 Each.
Successive Member-Partner Gifs $5.00 Each.
Successive Member-Partner JPGS or PNGs $3.00 Each.

Please do not send videos via email. If all you want to work with are a few .jpgs or .pngs, then it's okay if you send pictures via your email (which only holds 25 mbs). For videos, audios, and more or bigger pictures, please send them all together with the Dropbox Request that we'll send to you. When we receive your first email FROM YOUR NEW PROTON.ME EMAIL ACCOUNT, and when responded to it, we'll send you a Dropbox Upload Invite. You then can upload your FREE .mp4 or FREE .mp3, FREE .gif, and FREE .jpg or .png. BUT, if you know you want to increase your chances of being ShareADs Matched With An Advertiser it is quicker and more efficient for both of us to get ALL of your files into your City WHEN YOU SEND THEM ALL AT THE SAME TIME. That way we can work on JUST YOUR STUFF UNTIL WE FINISH IT. Now once again understand - we really want you to understand this! - that being Matched-Up With An Advertiser is not a sure thing. This is true even if you submit a hundred videos and pics. There are a number of factors in play, including that the Advertiser himself has 3 days to choose whom he wants to be Matched-Up with; and another big factor is that there may be lots of competition ... after all, ShareADs.us is offering a way for every person on earth to make money!

In your first email, send us a small letter that has:

Your Name ---

Proton.me Email Address ---

Proton.me Email Login ---

Proton.me Email Password ---

City ---

State ---

Country ---

Zipcode ---
[Note: Only include your Zipcode if your city has more than 1 zipcode. If your city only has 1 zipcode, do not include it.]

Also if you are under 18, then you Must include this:

That's it! This is what we need for you to start! Because we use Dropbox, particularly for Videos, we need your Email and your City. Your Dropbox Upload Request will upload your video and pictures into your own City Folder, or City Zipcode Folder. This saves us time when you upload directly where we need it.

Because we do not use a database, we don't want any more of your personal information, such as your Paypal email or your physical location address, on our website itself. But we still need such information at times when we need it. This is where your end-to-end high security Proton.me email comes into play the most. Please write the following onto a Notepad page, make a directory folder in your shared Proton.me email for us called 'Personal', and place your Notepad info (below) into that folder:

Name ---

Proton.me Email Address ---

Proton.me Email Login ---

Proton.me Email Password ---

Paypal Email Address To Pay You With ---

Your Physical Home Address ---

City ---

State ---

Country ---

Zipcode ---
[Note: Only include your Zipcode if your city has more than 1 zipcode. If your city only has 1 zipcode, do not include it.]

Phone Number ---

If you are under 18, you Must include this:

Father's Name ---

Father's Email ---

Father's Phone Number ---


Mother's Name ---

Mother's Email ---

Mother's Phone Number ---


Guardian's Name ---

Guardian's Email ---

Guardian's Phone Number ---

Also Include:

SKill or Talent Entered ---

City Entered Into ---

Accepted Into Semi-Finals ---

[IF you lie about this, ... if you say "YES" here when it is either "NO" or should be left blank because you don't know either way --- and we find out you've lied about it here - you will be disqualified.]

Method of Entering Semi-Finals ---

(The Method that got you approved to be in the Semi-Finals)

AND, if you are truthfully one of this group (below), please let us know, because some Advertisers may want to help you. (But please don't pretend to be part of this group when you are not! We will consider this FRAUD and may barr you from our website for life!):

  1. Single Mother With Children and a Poor Income
  2. Single Mother With Children with No Income
  3. Disabled Person
  4. Widowed and Left Poor
  5. Retired
  6. Lives in a Poor Country with Poor Wages
  7. Homeless Man
  8. Homeless Woman
  9. Homeless Teenager

Example That You Might Include In Your Email Submission:

I belong to Group 6:
6- Lives in a Poor Country with Poor Wages

(I live in The Philippines)

Again. Your personal data here is kept here, and should not ever be breached, as it might be if we used a database as most other websites do. Yes, this is not fancy: it does not use a neat form or have a beautiful look. BUT, it should be safer for you and for ShareADs.us We hope you won't be too displeased or critical of our methodology.

Thank you for working with .US - Hope you make lots of money ..

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